Interactive workshop Modern Higher Education (MHE)

Interactive list for evidence based education design
Interactive workshop MHE

In the Interactive Workshop on Modernising Higher Education (MHE), I aim to present an overview of all current evidence-based ideas for modernisation. While these ideas are grounded in evidence, they do not represent standard solutions with assured success.

E-book ‘Evidence-based options as how to apply IT in Higher Education courses

As a teacher, one anticipates specific outcomes from the integration of IT. The E-book provides an extensive survey of potential IT solutions for higher education. It encompasses detailed descriptions and includes tasks to aid the selection of advantageous IT alternatives.

What are your options for using IT in your course? The literature offers many evidence-based options for applying IT in higher education. However… these IT options are based on research in a specific context(s).

The question is …… will these IT options you select have the promised effect of your course?

Website Blended Learning: more backgrounds

Backgrounds of Modern Higher Education including blended learning
  • What is meant by modern higher education (MHE)?
  • IT and blended learning are essential in MHE: What options are offered to the teachers by IT?
  • The introduction of blended learning has consequences for teaching the teachers and the students’ study activities: What can be said about the pedagogical and study skills?
  • If you want to redesign your course into a blended learning course, How can this be done?
  • ‘How to ……’ and best practices descriptions?